
Xavi Sorolla

About me

18 years ago, I turned my life around. It was at that time that I first experienced the great transformative power of sound, especially of harmonic sounds.
Since then, after a necessary period of training and, above all, deep and intense therapeutic work on self-knowledge and inner transformation, I have been able to focus on the use of sound and harmonics as tools to expand consciousness, recognise the deep and essential self, and to facilitate self-healing.
And so, I accompany people who wish to reconnect with both their energetic body and their deep intuition, and to recall their true nature from within the peace of the heart.
All this comes from a place of responsibility, humility, respect and compassion that emerged from having endured deep pain and from the personal work of transformation and self-healing.

I am knowledgeable about various teachings and traditions and a practitioner of meditation and self-knowledge techniques.
Since 2009, I have brought together the harmonic sounds and vibrations of various instruments with therapeutic singing in my work, and specialised in their use and application in both individual and group sessions, meditative concerts and activities related to inner listening, the awakening and expansion of consciousness, and personal and spiritual development.

“You can travel the world, but it is to yourself that you must always return.”


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